Providing strategies and support to the school community and parents by fostering the ability to be more successful in school.
Providing strategies and support to the school community and parents by fostering the ability to be more successful in school.

Student Assistance Programs
Student Assistance Programs
The mission of the Souled Out Community Outreach Student Assistance Program is to assist students, families, and staff in the identification, and removal of barriers to student development and learning. The Student Assistance Program recognizes that a student’s academic success could be directly impacted by his mental health and other life stress. It is our goal to assist students through a partnership involving their parents and educators. We utilize collaborative prevention, intervention, and post intervention services in the accomplishment of our mission. The Student Assistance Program is not able to provide diagnosis or long-term treatment services but endeavors to connect students and families with appropriate resources.

Alternatives To Suspension
Alternatives To Suspension
Alternative Programming
Behavior Contracts
Social Skills Instruction
In-School Suspension
Mini Courses / Skill Modules

Suspension Reduction
Suspension Reduction
Schools are cracking down on students with discipline problems by implementing a record number of “out-of-school suspensions.” Do such suspensions do more harm than good. Rather than asking, “Why did this student misbehave?” it is more useful to ask, “What does this student need to know and be able to do to behave appropriately?”