REDEEMED is designed to support Appleton Area Students who are experiencing problems with school attendance.
REDEEMED is designed to support Appleton Area Students who are experiencing problems with school attendance.

School attendance is essential to academic success, but too often students, parents and schools do not realize how quickly absences-excused as well as unexcused-can add up to academic trouble.
The impact hits low income students, who most depend on school for providing opportunities to learn, particularly hard.
Truancy has always been a concern for educators, but it is growing rapidly in all types of schools. Worse, as students progress through school, and the work becomes more demanding, truancy increases dramatically. Most research shows that isolated, piecemeal approaches don’t work to improve attendance. It takes a school and community-wide effort that attempts to monitor attendance, get parent and community cooperation, improve school climate, and employ sanctions in a strategic, developmental manner.
The REDEEMED Truancy Intervention Program is designed to support Appleton area students who are experiencing problems with school attendance. Students and their families will be paired with trained staff to provide resources and support to return the children to regular school attendance. Students will have an opportunity to avoid formalized court proceedings by voluntarily participating in REDEEMED.
The REDEEMED Truancy Intervention Program strives to accomplish three main objectives:
Assist students in returning to school with regular attendance.
Assist students in setting day-to-day and long-term goals.
Help students to develop positive behaviors.

REDEEMED Early Intervention Program
The REDEEMED Early Intervention Program is an initiative designed to identify and counsel chronically absent children at the elementary and High school level before their pattern of absenteeism escalates to a level requiring court intervention. Children and their families are paired with a trained staff to provide resources and support to return the children to regular school attendance. Through this involvement, REDEEMED works to decrease absenteeism and increase school performance thereby alleviating truancy petitions from being filed in the Truancy Court.
COUNT ME IN Program!
COUNT ME IN is a comprehensive program that addresses all of the attendance needs of your school. This program is designed to be specifically tailored to the needs and resources at your school.
The goal is to ensure that every child and family is supported and encouraged to attend school all day, every day.
Mission Statement
Mission Statement
Our Mission is to motivate students to strive for regular school attendance and improved academic standing with the support of parents, school, and community.
Eric Allen - President, CEO